PlayLife SMS Overview
PlayLife eASY is the latest School Management Software offering from PlayLife. It was borne out of a need to allow the total
integration of the home and school - School Administrators, Teachers, Parents and Students - to ensure input from all stakeholders in
the education system. It follows on the heels of a desktop offering that is still partially being used by schools. All effort has been
made to ensure the same ease of use as our desktop version, along with a lower operating cost. No hardware is needed as the software is cloud-based, with excellent
service being provided by our PaaS - Platform as a Service – vendor: Rackspace.
- Personalized teacher grade book that does all calculations of grades automatically.
- Subject/student enrollment.
- Personalized dashboard.
- Single and multi-date school year setup.
- Academic and general reporting.
- Student, parent and employee management.
- Students and employees photo upload and management.
- Biographical data import tools - primarily excel sheets.
- User access management–automatic creation of users,system level restrictions, and denial of entry.
- Gradebook Security - locks to prevent unauthorized changing of grades.
- Password Management.
- Ability of system administrator to setup all critical working settings for system – subjects, grade/class, activities, offices, disciplinary, commenting, holidays etc.
- Calendar of events.
- Attach teachers to their homerooms.
- Master grade book access.
- Grades Master sheet.
- Analysis of grades – figures and graphs.
- General grades query.
- Homeroom teachers report comments.
- Year to year class promotion of students.
- Daily attendance record keeping for students.
- Entry of disciplinary information - violations.
- Students’ extra-curricular activities entry.
- Standard and customised grade reports.
- Plus other modules not listed.
User Dashboard